It’s easy to conceptualise heaven and hhell as opposite ends of a spectrum; that we all sit somewhere in the middle, our proximity to the celestial realms or the pits of fire and brimstone determined by thought and deed as we make our way along the road of life. Jesus asks us—and we sometimes even […]
Chapter 1 of Genesis tells us we are made in God’s image. That means seeing through God’s eyes, in theory, at least. Here’s 1 Samuel: “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Sam 16:7 ESV) Although we are made in […]
In 1 Kings 17:1, the prophet Elijah announces a drought: “Elijah was a prophet from Tishbe in Gilead. One day he went to King Ahab and said, ‘I’m a servant of the living Lord, the God of Israel. And I swear in his name that it won’t rain until I say so. There won’t even […]